Why does there have to be homework? I understand that the teachers want us to do something productive at home istead of lazy. But I learn better in class rather than at home. There are countless distractions ie: the tv, my phone, my laptop, my cat, my friends, my parents, and whatever else I’m doing that day. TEACHERS WE DO HAVE A LIFE OTHER THAN SCHOOL!!! If you gave us less homework maybe we would be more enthusiastic about school. Or maybe even think that yes like you do we have a life and homework distracts us from our lives and then when something comes up and we didn’t get our homework done we are punished for something we most likely had no control over or it wasn’t a good enough excuse for you. How would you feel if we told you that your grading was bad and that you could do better and that why don’t we have our tests back right away….but no we never do that so maybe one day just take a step back and think about what your giving us! I understand you want to push us to strive in school but isn’t there other ways than lots of homework? You know in summer I do want school, I actually like school. Other than the homework. Why cant every night we read a section or do simple worksheets or questions instead of a huge project that we don’t understand and don’t have enough time on our schedule to do? You know what after typing all this I realize it’s not that bad but still homework is sometimes an annoyance and it can drive you a little crazy!!!

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