Live life to the fullest! Do everything you want to do. Go skydiving or bungee jumping or my favorite on my bucket list is to scuba dive! What have you got to lose you were put in this world for a reason why not celebrate it? Do what you want when you want and if you don’t like it do something else. Nothing is ever truly permanent other than a few things….Maybe your like my friend and want to dye your hair and pierce you ears. Well you can try it maybe you don’t like the color so change it! You shouldn’t have to wonder what something is like you should be the one who has experienced it and inspires everyone else to do it. (I DONT MEAN DRINK OR DO DRUGS!!!) I hope you reflect on something in your life that has always been a dream of yours and do it! If something steps in your way like money do what you can thats close to it. It doesn’t have to be something expensive! LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!

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