Let’s just make this clear..Life isn’t fair! Life can be rewarding at times but life never is always fair. There is always someone involved or behind the story with these ideas that are expressed.  It’s hard when it’s a relationship. There are many friends that I have thought of in a different way. What makes it especially hard is when you’ve been friends with someone for what seems live forever and you begin to like them more than just a friend. I have had and in this type of experience currently. The problem I always face is do I save our friendship or do I take a chance? What if things don’t work out? What if he doesn’t like me in that way? What if we don’t make a good couple? It could ruin our friendship forver. We are different ages and in different schools how would that work? All these things go through my head like rain in a storm. But the problem that makes everything harder is when he talkes about other girls to me 😦 Although I’m there to support him it’s always hard to listen to him talking about girls he dates, likes or whatever else. Just my luck everytime i’m ready to tell him something interfere’s maybe there’s a new girl in the picture or he’s having a hard time. I just never seem to come at a right time and everytime I try I get knocked further and further back. So it comes down to do I save our friendship or do I take a chance and risk our friendship?

6 thoughts on “

  1. Yes, I have the same situation. I know it’s hard, but we are best friend! For them, we are just friend! I mean, ours friendship probably are closer than other, but that’s not relationship. It seems like that he likes you, you like him, but your guys don’t want to tell each other because you are afraid of losing this friendship if you tell him. How important this friendship is! You think about it all the time. Even you have imagined the life with him. How sweet it is. However, it’s not true! Don’t forget, we are friends now. Friends always are friends. If you want to over the line, you have to take the risk. You don’t want he becomes a stranger , do you?

  2. I really can not do it. I will leave soon, that’s why I don’t want to tell him my feeling. I know he doesn’t like me.
    Just let it go. But you have chance! Just do it! Don’t be afraid,I believe that he likes you as you did!

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