Can’t wait for summer!!!!!

I love summer! your off from school you can get a job and go to the pool pretty much whenever you want! Summer though is long yet so short it goes by like THAT! I want to make the most of my summer this year. I want to gets JOBSSS (plural) so that I can save up for a car because I get my temporary license this summer and coming this winter I’ll have my actual drivers license!!! I am soooo excited! I really need to study for the test though because I want to feel like I accomplished something without having to retrty it. I also want to possibly find something i’m really interested in like a sport or activity I can be involved in the following school year. I never really had something that was just for me and made my world go round. I enjoy things such as swimming but I’m not compettitive enough to make that a full time sport of mine 😐 Then there’s art which is fun and a great hobby of mine but I am not really talented enough to be considered an artist and because of that I can’t carry that on. Sooooo…….what shall I do? Do I like theater? Could I play soccer? Maybe i’m interested in science? Who knows????? Haha I sure don’t! I know that I love animals but there really isn’t anything offered at my school involving animals that I am interested in :\ Well I have this whole summer to keep this in mind………

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