Can’t wait for summer!!!!!

I love summer! your off from school you can get a job and go to the pool pretty much whenever you want! Summer though is long yet so short it goes by like THAT! I want to make the most of my summer this year. I want to gets JOBSSS (plural) so that I can […]

I really feel like having all the fun I can. But does that mean crazy parties? Or going beyond my usual limits? I just want to make the most of my life now. YOLO right?

Why does everything work opposite for me? I like someone they like someone else. I like someone my friend starts to like that person. I just wish for once things would go my way. I wish a certain person in my life would wake up one day and see clearly. I want to tell you […]


Today is my birthday what a wonderful day to celebrate ME. No care in the world just a smile on my face. I hear happy birthday through the hallyway, at the table before school, even in homeroom. What a wonderful feeling. I get cards and presents, and cake . But thats not most important. I […]

Self Esteem

Hey there self esteem how are you today? Ugh feeling kind of bad about myself and my body 😦 Why is that? It’s a long story………Everyone has problems with their self esteem for me it is that I am very pale, and I cannot sing. There are other things that affect my self esteem as […]

Let’s just make this clear..Life isn’t fair! Life can be rewarding at times but life never is always fair. There is always someone involved or behind the story with these ideas that are expressed.  It’s hard when it’s a relationship. There are many friends that I have thought of in a different way. What makes […]

Live life to the fullest! Do everything you want to do. Go skydiving or bungee jumping or my favorite on my bucket list is to scuba dive! What have you got to lose you were put in this world for a reason why not celebrate it? Do what you want when you want and if […]

Why does there have to be homework? I understand that the teachers want us to do something productive at home istead of lazy. But I learn better in class rather than at home. There are countless distractions ie: the tv, my phone, my laptop, my cat, my friends, my parents, and whatever else I’m doing […]

Some many changes occur daily and for some reason we accept these changes. Somehow we just adapt and never question why these changes were made or why we never really noticed.