I often wonder why things happen in life. Like how did people come up with words to describe an object? How did they know “silence” meant for everyone to shut up and be quiet? How did the people before us figure things out so well and today?  we try our hardest to figure things out but it seems so much easier in the past than it does now. I wonder how scientists predict and conclude what our future will be like. How in world do they know? Did they travel to the furture and write down all the answers to todays “future” questions? I mean it’s simple things like that, that whack my mind out of place but why? Why do I wonder about this? Sometimes your questions can’t be answered and you just have to sit back and live life to the fullest. Live it the way it was given to you.

Awesome Monster Cake

Awesome Monster Cake

Life shows up in unexpected forms sometimes it’s simple like a birthday cake for a little kid that one day will never remember the amazing cake they had for their 5th birthday. But when something is unxpected and doesn’t totally destroy your life embrace it and make it something that inspires you in some way.